
An exercise in expectation management

January 26, 2024

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

In a previous post I discussed keeping running lists of resources I want to come back to. In addition to these, I’ve decided to also keep a list of future ideas for shokunin. Although I initially balked at the idea of posting my unfinished plans, I really do want shokunin to be a “place” where I can cultivate, refine, and share my interconnected thoughts and ideas.1 While I think I can cultivate and share my musings already, I think showing the process of refining an initial idea can only be done by showing different ideas at different stages of development. Additionally, I think keeping a list of future ideas can also act as an easy commitment device2.

So consider my list of future ideas an informal contract/promise about what’s likely coming up for shokunin. That said, I make absolutely no promises about the quality and tidyness of those ideas. What I do promise is that the idea at the very top will always be those I’m currently spending the most time working on.

Dedicated to craft,



  1. I discuss this more in shokunin’s inaugral post↩︎

  2. defined as “a strategy or tool that is used to help people stick to a plan or decision, even when it may be tempting to deviate from it” by The Behavioral Scientist↩︎